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Latest Version 7.0.0 Built Thu Aug 08, 2024 - (12:03 PM)

Rueda de Casino

==Rueda de Casino== is a Cuban group dance for couples.

Notice one of these dancers is directing and synchronizing the circle; this is the caller.

A caller needs to shout out moves… timed so dancers are ready… in a smooth sequence… and keep things moving well.

Preferably with surprises and humour! And don't forget giving timely prompts and tips to dancers.

However, with all these demands… there's a problem!

The problem with rueda

Suppose we think of Cuban dance music... as your favorite flavor of chicken wings.

The suelta dancer attacks the wings... like a starving dog. Chews voracioosly. Breaks out ina sweats from the spice... and then licks the bones clean.

But... The rueda dancers look at it for a second. Then they pull out the bones. And then they just drop the meat back on the plate.

In a nutshell: the tightness of the dance with the music is instantly clear... in all styles of Cuban dance... except the rueda!

Well... why not expect the caller to fit the steps to music better?

No... that is just asking too much of the caller: think of all they do!

skillnew caller?good caller?exceptional caller?Ruedamatic!
call moves in time*********
think of moves*********
good variety********
tight sequence*******
remmber names******
clear loud calls******
pronounces right******
expressive of music****

To the guy or girl who has has worked hard to become a good caller... congratulations! It isn't easy.

For you, we have something new to put in the mix.

Take a break...

... and try RuedaMatic!

Ruedamatic, RM-Spot

RuedaMatic Editor is a PC app. For premium subscribers of Spotify, there is also RM-spot - a web player.

See how RuedaMatic makes it happen!